Stop Smoking Therapy Clinic

Level: Practitioner level 3

By successfully completing this course, you will:

  • Gain skills and knowledge to practice Stop Smoking Therapy – graduates of this course can also obtain professional liability insurance
  • Become a Registered BSY Stop Smoking Therapist
  • Be awarded the professional BSY Diploma
  • Be eligible to become a member of AHCP (Association of Complementary Practitioners)

You can study this course from the comfort of your own home; in your own time and at your own pace; with helpful support and encouragement from our friendly tutors.

Course overview

It has been suggested that nicotine addiction is as hard to beat as heroin, although without the serious social consequences. Nicotine is a fast acting and addictive drug, creating a long term habit notoriously difficult to drop. Since the links between cancer, heart disease and smoking have been openly acknowledged, the number of people seeking to stop smoking has mushroomed. Bearing in mind the damage caused by long term smoking and the enormous benefits to be gained by stopping, there are numerous opportunities for the therapist in this field.


  • Lesson One
    • Introduction
      • Course Objectives and Format
      • Definitions
    • From Starting To Stopping
      • In the Beginning
      • The Quest for Freedom
      • Ways and Means
      • Commercial Products
      • ‘Alternative’ Therapies
      • Combinations of Treatments
      • The Therapist – What Qualities?
      • Subject Assessment
      • Group Therapy
  • Lesson Two
    • Smoking ‘Cultures’
      • Perceived Losses
      • Perceived ‘Pleasures’
      • The ‘Glitz List’
      • The ‘Pitz List’
      • Association
    • The Dark Side
      • The Components of Cigarette Smoke
      • Smoking-related Diseases
      • Smoking and Women
      • ‘Passive’ Smoking – the Innocent Bystander
  • Lesson Three
    • The Gains
      • The ‘Goody List’
      • The Balance Sheet
      • Weighing Balance Sheet Results
      • The Therapist as an ‘Agent of Change’
  • Lesson Four
    • The Whole Person
      • A Three-Dimensional Problem
      • The Unhappy Trinity
      • The Decision-maker
      • The Question of Pace
      • Fast Track or Slow?
      • The Smoker’s Audit
  • Lesson Five
    • Withdrawal, Willpower, Weight
      • Withdrawal: the Symptoms
      • Willpower
      • The ‘Kick-start’ Test
      • Weight Gain
      • Causes
  • Lesson Six
    • Mind, Imagination and Needs
      • Lost Causes?
      • Mind – the ‘Seat’ of Control
      • The Shadow Self
      • Imagery
      • Positive Imagery
      • Negative Imagery
      • Sensory Enhancement
      • Needs
  • Lesson Seven
    • The Power within – Relaxation and Meditation Techniques for Smokers
      • A Look at Brain Frequencies
      • Three Techniques for Suggestion
      • How Can Meditation Help the Smoker?
      • Preparation
      • A Meditation – Using the Breath
  • Lesson Eight
    • De-Tox and Diet
      • Cleansing Routines
      • The Cleansing Breath
      • Flushing Out
      • Abdominal Exercise
      • Dietary Considerations
      • Seasonal Effects on Diet
      • Things to Avoid
      • Does a Vegetarian Diet Help?
      • Food Supplements
  • Lesson Nine
    • How Well do we Know our Subject?
      • Matching Therapy with Need
      • Symptoms and Responses
      • Finding the Right ‘Window’  
      • How Far Ahead?
      • The Affirmation
  • Lesson Ten
    • The Final Step and Beyond
      • Preparations for ‘Day One’
      • Countdown
      • The Eve of ‘Day One’
      • Day One
      • Therapist’s Review of Day One
      • Day Two
      • Therapist’s Review of Day Two 
      • Day Three
      • Therapist’s Review of Day Three
      • Days Four to Seven
      • Therapist’s Review of First Week 
      • The Second Week
      • The First Month
      • Onwards
      • Continuing Support
      • Dealing with Relapses
      • A Final Word from the Author

Practical training

No practical training is required to complete this course.